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Session of the Human Rights council overshadowed by ideology

Published: 06.08.2021

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● In June/July 2021, the 47th General Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council took place.

● The conference programme had mainly envisaged the discussion on the rights of women and their situation around the world.

● In reality, the meeting mainly focussed on the plans for the introduction of the gender ideology and the ideological concept of ‘reproductive and sexual rights’.

● During the session, an Independent UN Expert presented a report on gender equality, in which he explicitly stated that he did not include critical opinions on gender ideology, considering them as ‘hate speech’.

● In the report on Romania, the need for promoting ‘gender perspective’ as early as at school level was indicated. The experts did not approve of the fact that the Romanian society affirms maternity.

In the period between June 21 and July 9, 2021, the 47th General Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council took place. The aim of the assembly was to discuss the topic of respecting women’s rights in the world dominated by COVID and the “responsibility for women in the conditions of humanitarian aid”.

In fact, however, the ‘sexual and reproductive rights’ slogan was discussed throughout the session, even though the concept does not even have an internationally accepted definition. It is an ideological slogan that is overused for purely political purposes, preceding such radical demands as on-demand abortion accessibility, or vulgar sex education, among other elements.

It was clearly emphasised at the meeting that the possibility of the murder of a conceived child should be recognised as a fundamental human right, although the speakers were certainly aware that states repeatedly opposed attempts to create such a legal structure, and that international treaties clearly support the right to life.

The theory of gender-based violence has also been referred to many times, although it also does not have a single, binding legal definition, and many states are increasingly often expressing doubts about this concept. The inefficiency of the gender perspective in the combat against violence is evidenced by numerous data and statistics (i.a. Agency for Fundamental Rights, OECD and WHO).

In spite of this, many speakers, including the Women Executive Director, Ms. Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka, emphasised the need for a wider incorporation of the gender policy, even in such aspects as e.g. the mechanisms of the justice system.

Meanwhile, the gender perspective raises serious reservations not only because of its ineffectiveness and detachment from the real needs of women, but also because of its ideological character. One of its main assumptions is to undermine the existence of objective differences between women and men and the conviction that feminity and masculinity are only social constructs that arose as a result of the battle of the sexes. The Polish Constitution (similar to a number of constitutions of other countries) is free of the gender perspective, but

it is of particular importance in the context of its Art. 18, stating that “Marriage as a relationship between a woman and a man, family and motherhood and parenthood are under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland”.

Report free of any critic

During the session, the report by Victor Madrigal-Berloz, Independent Expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, was also presented. As announced by the author himself, the aim of the report was to promote ‘feminist thinking’ and to assess the alleged threats to human rights resulting from the existence of ‘gender norms and structures’. Before commencing work on the report, the Expert invited interested parties for consultation, which the Ordo Iuris Institute took advantage of when submitting its substantive comments.

In the content of the report presented during the session, in the place where the author thanked for the large participation in the consultation, there was the information that “A relatively small number of other reports were hateful or contained hate speech and were excluded ad portas. They will not constitute a part of any publication backed by the mandate holder”. Although it has not been explicitly indicated, there is no doubt that the analysis of the Institute, substantive and based on scientific research, but not in line with the radical theses adopted by the Expert, was included in the group of rejected questionnaires. The entire published report of Victor Madrigal-Berloz does not include a single critical mention of the ideological concepts and postulates discussed and promoted by the author. The aim of the report was announced at the beginning (‘promoting feminist thinking’), and this goal was pursued and achieved.

The process of creating this report, starting from its assumptions, through consultations focussed on the adopted thesis, and ending with a publication in which all positions contradicting the ideological line adopted by the author were rejected, shows how little substantive value is carried today by the publications endorsed by organisations such as the United Nations.

Romania under observation

In addition, a report of the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls in Romania was published during the General Assembly. Its authors analysed national institutions in the field of promoting the gender perspective in the combat against violence, as well as reproductive and sexual rights.

According to the members of the Working Group, equality should not only be understood as equal treatment of both genders, but legislative and institutional pressure possibilities should also be present in national systems aimed at developing a gender equality measure. It was considered a huge problem that Romanian society still supports the ‘stereotypical’ choices of women, primarily motherhood. In order to change this state of affairs, it was recommended that the gender perspective be promoted as early as at the school stage, e.g. by introducing ‘prejudice-free’ textbooks.

“The blame for the alleged ‘worldwide retreat from the idea of women’s rights’, which is to be understood as opposition to gender ideology, has been placed on conservative circles and those opposing the politicisation of human rights. This shows that circles promoting a radical left-wing agenda recognise that increasingly audacious attempts to impose an extreme

ideology on society at large have motivated conservative circles to oppose the ideology that limits their rights and freedom. Indeed, the voice of a society that does not want to be imposed with gender ideology, limit freedom of speech, interfere with the way children are raised and the right of parents to pass on their system of values to their children, is becoming more and more pronounced. The visible resistance against gender and leftist ideologues today gives great hope for the future”, said Ms. Anna Kubacka from the Ordo Iuris Centre for International Law.

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